Wednesday 24 June 2020

Garden Glory

Last night I was feeling overly furious about a minor mistake, and so I rushed out into the garden. I leaned over the vegetable trug to see if the peas had sprouted, for sprouts are high on my list of things-that-make-me-happy. No pea sprouts as yet.

However, this morning I went outside on my slug hunt and discovered one great beautiful blossom:

"Squash blossom," I cried and went back in for my actual camera. I still haven't figured out why my MacBook is feuding with its kinsdevice, the iPhone.

Here are three more photos of vegetables and one of fruit:

Slug-chewed lettuce in the raised bed.

Broad beans, kale, chard, beets, lettuce, runner beans.

Aphid-chewed runner beans, sleeping peas.
Cider babies.

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