Wednesday 14 November 2018

Polish Pretend Son's Wedding Mass

Polish Pretend Son loves the Traditional Mass so much, he hopes this video of his and Polish Pretend Daughter-in-Law's wedding helps to spread devotion to the Rite.

If you watch carefully, you may even see me under an enormous blue hat. (Hint: I am not the pretty Welsh blonde who is also wearing a large blue hat.)

I will have more to post and much more to say about the wedding. Isn't the bride beautiful?

Caveat: There is not a word of English in this video. When it is not Latin, it is Polish. But it is so gorgeous, that shouldn't matter.

Caveat 2: The groom also has fond memories of his years in the UK, so there are some unusually British elements at this Mass. First, Polish women tend not to wear fancy hats to weddings; female guests were specifically asked to wear them. Second, the groom's attire is very Saville Row-ish, if not, as I fear it may be, actually from Saville Row. Third, the entrance antiphon sounds very British indeed.

The bride and groom arriving together to Mass is, however, the normal Polish custom.  The groom has already bribed the bridesmaids at the bride's door, and the bridal pair have been blessed by their parents.


  1. The bride IS beautiful, the groom looks so unmistakably polish....
    Thank you for posting this: the Mass, the polish prayers and even "Z dawna Polski tyś Królową Maryjo": goosebumps!
    For clarification: I am not polish, but croatian, but had an intense "polish phase" in my teens.

    1. Yes, the funny thing about PPS's very English clothing is that they make him look even more Polish than usual.

  2. Congratulations on Polish Pretend Son's wedding!! So beautiful...the bride looks absolutely stunning! I can't wait to see a pic of you and BA - from what I could see, your blue hat is gorgeous!!

    1. Thank you! I assure you that, alas, I was not at my best, the ravages of the past year having gone straight to my middle. Still, I made all the other ladies look even more beautiful in comparison, so that is a consolation.

  3. PPS looks like my grandfather circa 1950. And also like a Polish-Australian with whom I went on a disastrously hilarious date.

    Beautiful bride.

    1. I think PPS would rather look like your great-grandfather circa 1930 as he is not fond of the 1950s. The bride is indeed beautiful, inside and out. Tell us more about your disastrously hilarious date.
